Welcome to Therapy from Abandonment to Healing

by Jessica Edwards, MA, AMFT, APCC

Marriage and Family Therapist in Irvine, California

Jessica Edwards, MA, AMFT, APCC

(714) 306-8971

Therapy is life-changing and lasts for the rest of your life, it is money well spent because you are spending money on yourself. Therapy doesn’t fade; it just gets better and better each day. 

Together we will

Together, we will: understand you, your relationship goals, and how you can improve the relationships most important to you. We will also work together to develop new tools to help you identify and communicate your boundaries and triggers.

I specialize in working with people who

I specialize in working with people who tend to shut down or look for quick comfort when facing the stress and challenges of life. I help my clients understand their triggers and learn new coping skills that help them feel healthier and more confident.

The Latinx Community & the Struggles of Self-Identity and Acceptance

Tired of feeling lost and confused all the time? Often feel like you have been abandoned, but it feels silly to think that. Being Latina/o and bilingual can be overwhelming, especially when the struggle to feel accepted not only by others but by yourself can be challenging. Learn how to process everything that makes “you” and learn how to find a balance where you can feel that you finally belong without having to give up a part of yourself to attain wholeness.

Asking for help is a sign of strength.

If you seek guidance with anxiety, fears, codependency, depression, and stress, it takes courage to ask for help. Admitting you can’t do everything alone is the first step toward achieving wellness in a fast-paced, demanding world.

The good news is, asking for help gets more manageable with a bit of practice. How we cope in the world is greatly influenced by how we see the world. Asking for help and obtaining a fresh perspective is often the first and most profound step toward developing the mental muscle needed to become stronger. The more support you gain, the better equipped you will be to take on bigger challenges and achieve more success.

Please get in touch with me to schedule a 15-minute consultation.

 714-306-8971     |      Send Email


I look forward to helping you make the first step toward your well-being.

The Benefits of Therapy

Psychotherapy can be an effective tool in providing you with the necessary support and training to overcome your challenges. By seeking therapy, you are taking responsibility and action to change what no longer works in your life. Many studies have shown that psychotherapy is an effective form of treating and managing mental illnesses and other emotional disorders.

As an experienced marriage and family therapist, I am honored to assist you in exploring your core issues and moving toward a healthy, fulfilling life. Utilizing a variety of approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and person-centered therapy. I will work with you to create a treatment plan that is customized to meet your unique circumstances.

With honesty and compassion, I will work with you to create an open channel of communication. The goal of our therapy sessions together will be to help you develop the mental fortitude needed to lead a successful life. Additionally, we will work on the skill of self-compassion, which will allow you to move more quickly through difficult times in the future, as well as become a more productive and happier person.

Terapia del Abandono a la Sanación y Ayuda para La Comunidad Bicultural y Las Luchas de Autoidentidad y Aceptación

Pedir ayuda es un signo de fortaleza. Si está buscando orientación con ansiedad, miedos, codependencia, depresión y estrés, se necesita coraje para pedir ayuda. Admitir que no puede hacerlo todo solo es el primer paso para lograr el bienestar en un mundo exigente y acelerado. La buena noticia es que pedir ayuda se vuelve más fácil con un poco de práctica. La forma en que nos enfrentamos al mundo está muy influenciada por la forma en que vemos el mundo. Pedir ayuda y obtener una nueva perspectiva suele ser el primer y más profundo paso hacia el desarrollo del músculo mental necesario para volverse más fuerte.

Es un honor para mí ayudarlo a explorar sus problemas principales y avanzar hacia una vida saludable y satisfactoria. Utilizando una variedad de enfoques que incluyen terapia cognitivo-conductual y terapia centrada en la persona. Trabajaré con usted para crear un plan de tratamiento personalizado para satisfacer sus circunstancias únicas.

Con honestidad y compasión, trabajaré contigo para crear un canal abierto de comunicación. El objetivo de nuestras sesiones de terapia juntos será ayudarte a desarrollar la fortaleza mental necesaria para llevar una vida exitosa. Aprenderemos la habilidad de la autocompasión, que te permitirá transitar con mayor facilidad por momentos difíciles en el futuro.

La terapia te cambia la vida y dura el resto de tu vida, es dinero bien gastado porque estás gastando dinero en ti. La terapia no se desvanece, solo mejora y mejora cada día.

“we’re addicted to our beliefs; we’re addicted to the emotions of our past. We see our beliefs as truths, not ideas that we can change.”

—Joe Dispenza

Get in touch.